Local Government and Homelessness Professional Development Workshop
Local Government and Homelessness – Understanding and Solutions at the Local Level
Local Government and Homelessness – Understanding and Solutions at the Local Level is a professional development workshop for local government professionals and administrative staff.
Local Governments have increasingly found themselves playing a larger role with regard to homelessness responses and advocacy. This larger role local governments have found themselves in is often accompanied by funding and training issues.
In this workshop Matt Vapor uses his homeless experience and experience in local government to inform staff on the issues surrounding homelessness and how local governments can adapt and grow while embracing this new role. The workshop builds an empathetic and professional approach to the challenge of addressing homelessness in a local government setting.
This workshop is tailored for local government professionals and associated support and administrative staff.
Challenge existing beliefs around homelessness and mental health
To examine and understand issues surrounding homelessness.
Investigate the linkages between homelessness and local government services.Explain current homelessness statistic and drivers and their social and economic impacts for local governments.
Discuss the role that local governments have played and continue to play in responding to and advocating for homelessness and homelessness services.
Examine local government procedural and policy issues that can be homeless prohibitive. -
Lived Experience of Homelessness
Mental Health Impacts of Homelessness
Homelessness Funding
Homelessness StatisticsCurrent Homelessness Trends & Drivers
Local Government Responses
Local Government Policy & Procedures
Staff Safety -
All Local Government Departments, Executives, Professionals and Staff.
3.5 - 4 hours including a 15 minute break.
In Person*
*In person delivery is preferred, but not required, for this Professional Development Workshop.
Local Government and Homelessness Professional Development Workshop is written and delivered by Matt Vapor
Here Are Some of the Local Governments We’re Proud to Have Delivered Local Governments & Homelessness Professional Development Workshop
Town of Victoria Park
City of Joondalup
City of Subiaco
City of Wanneroo
City of Perth
City of Gosnells